Affiliated Independent Events

IAS 2021 – the 11th IAS Conference on HIV Science – supports events that address HIV and AIDS, co-infections or issues faced by individuals or organizations affected by or responding to the HIV epidemic. Affiliated Independent Events can take the shape of anything from workshops and pre-meetings to forums and even galas.

Please note that the IAS 2021 organizers are not responsible for the organization or final content of any such event; the content and management of the event is the sole responsibility of the event organizers.

This year’s Affiliated Independent Events are the following:

HIV Updates -Takeaways from IAS 2021

Type: Hybrid conference

Organizer: AIDS Society of India


08:45 – 18:00 (IST), 30 July 2021,

09:00 – 18:00 (IST), 31 July 2021

The AIDS Society of India is organizing an Affiliated Independent Event – a two-day hybrid conference on 30 and 31 July 2021 that will be held at a hotel in Mumbai, India. At least 50 medical doctors will attend physically and at least 100 doctors will attend virtually. Based on learnings from the IAS COVID-19 Conference: Prevention, the focus will be on: COVID-19 and HIV infection; how to manage overlapping epidemics; the impact of COVID-19 on HIV infection and vice versa; how to prevent HIV infection during a parallel pandemic; how to conduct HIV patient monitoring with competing priorities of the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries; modern ART and the impact of COVID-19 on persons living with HIV; understanding COVID-19 and HIV in the era of climate change; understanding COVID-19 and HIV monoclonal antibodies for their prevention and treatment; and new ways of communicating about infectious diseases and public health in an era of multiple crises and fake news. There will also be specific sessions on COVID-19, focusing on treatment, what works and what doesn’t, COVID-19 variants, and COVID-19 vaccines and antibodies. The organizers hope to include sessions on HIV reservoir regulation and lessons for cure, HIV vaccines and immunotherapy, and HIV cure and gene therapy. There will be sessions on HIV and tuberculosis, with advances in management, treatment and diagnostics. On HIV infection, there will be sessions on what’s new in the guidelines in prevention, treatment, management and service delivery in HIV, management of patients with multi-drug resistant HIV, growing old with HIV co-morbidities, and ageing. There will also be sessions on PrEP and the latest developments in this field. The speakers will come from a pool of experts in their respective fields. The sessions will run from around 10am until 5pm. The first day will focus on COVID-19 and HIV and the second day on HIV alone. There will be time for discussion and clarification after each section is completed.

View event’s page

The promise of implementation science in adapting to COVID-19: The case of adolescent HIV

Type: Webinar

Organizer: Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA)

Schedule: 10:00 (EDT), 27 July 2021

The goal of the AHISA COVID webinar is to understand the possibilities that implementation science offers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and what implementation science research questions could help collectively navigate the pandemic response, as assessed through the AHISA network and COVID-19 survey. Led by Dr Elizabeth Lowenthal and Dr Michael Mbizvo, this one-hour webinar will look at the results of a three-part survey, as well as two case studies from the field. The survey, conducted in late 2020 and early 2021, assessed how the AHISA teams’ adolescent HIV prevention and treatment programming and research were being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and compiled information on what teams learned and how they adjusted to the pandemic. In addition to the summary of the survey findings, Dr Cyrus Mugo will present a case study addressing how they transitioned their psychosocial support to being telephone-based and increased utilization of community health workers. Dr Oliver Ezechi will discuss their use of online crowdsourcing to understand how to engage young people for HIV self-testing during the pandemic. This will be followed by a panel discussion with an opportunity for audience questions and answers.

Register here

For more information, please refer to the terms and conditions for IAS 2021 Affiliated Independent Events or contact the Affiliated Independent Events team at [email protected].